For children and families
The artist Phia Ménard, who was born into a male body, has been intrigued by the four elements as well as change and transformation ever since her early days in circus. She has juggled with water and ice balls, which being hard and cold, break and melt. So is it possible to juggle with air? «L’après-midi d’un foehn» is a delicate, playful piece with colourful plastic bags, a couple of ventilators and a fabulous juggler. (kdi)
Künstlerische Leitung | Phia Ménard |
Assistenz | Jean-Luc Beaujault |
Performance | Jean-Louis Ouvrard |
Komposition Soundtrack | Ivan Roussel, unter Verwendung von Claude Debussys «L’après-midi d’un faune» |
Inspizienz | Olivier Gicquiaud |
Ton | Olivier Gicquiaud |
Puppendesign | Phia Ménard |
Puppenherstellung | Claire Rigaud |
Produktionsleitung, Administration & Distribution | Claire Massonnet |
Produktionsassistenz | Clarisse Mérot Assistenz |
Tourkoordination | Lara Cortesi |
Unterstützung Cie. Non Nova | Französisches Ministerium für Kultur und Kommunikation, DRAC des Pays de la Loire, Stadt Nantes, Conseil régional des Pays de la Loire, Conseil départemental de Loire-Atlantique, Institut français und BNP Paribas Foundation |
Assoziation | Phia Ménard & Cie. Non Nova sind assoziierte Künstler*innen von Malraux − Scène Nationale de Chambéry Savoie und des TNB Centre Europèen Théâtral et Chorégraphique de Rennes |
Premiere | Nantes, November 2008 |
Foto | Jean-Luc Beaujault |
30 mins.
without language
5 years plus
Phia Ménard also plays "Saison Sèche" at the Zürcher Theaterspektakel