For children and families
A woman, whose headscarf was ripped off her head by two young men on the train, now choses seats with her back to the wall. A dark-skinned trainee in a nursing home is called «little nigger» by one of its inhabitants. Such incidents are part of everyday life for many people with a migration background. Sonja Koch has collected such stories in conversations with people from different cultures, skin colour and religions. The colourful comic strips of the travelling exhibition «Facettenreich» show individual typical experiences of discrimination, there by provoking people to reconsider their prejudices. (kdi)
Idee, Koordination & Umsetzung | Sonja Koch Szenografie |
Trägerschaft | Verein Permeable Unterstützung Schweizerische Fachstelle für Rassismusbekämpfung, Bundesamt für Polizei (fedpol), Katholische Kirche im Kanton Zürich, Stiftung Temperatio, Kantonales Integrationsprogramm und Integrationskredit der Stadt Zürich, Katholische Pfarrei Liebfrauen, Kulturamt der Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf sowie private Gönnerinnen und Gönner |
Premiere | Zürich, Liebfrauen-Kirche, Mai 2019 |
For adults, and children who can read
always accessible