The singer-songwriter Ebony Bones is one of the few female producers in the music business. The daughter of Afro-Caribbean immigrants and raised in England, she not only controls her own music, but also uses her artistic power to fight censorship, xenophobia and exploitation. Onstage, the captivating singer and her band mix electronic club beats, muffled disco bass and rocking e-guitars. The energetic sound, political commitment and eccentric outfits turn her gigs into musical happenings. (ron)
Mit | Ebony Bones (Komposition, Leadgesang), Jasmine Ali (Keyboard, Synthesizer), Igor Jankovski (Schlagzeug), Jardon Virgo (Hintergrundgesang), Jermaine Jackman (Hintergrundgesang), Jamal Hope (1. Geige), Sabrina Morand (2. Geige), Priscille Oehninger (Viola), Fanny Balestro (Cello), Remi Gache (Tuba), Omar Little (Trompete), Jermaine Jones (Saxofon) |
Afro, Post-Punk, Disco-Pop
60 mins.
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